Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Charity Begin at Home III

Last year I wrote about how we as individuals can make a difference to help the LGBT community. Today I would like to offer some more suggestions.

So many of us take the small things for granted in life and our own community. But I would like to point out it is the small things that matter most. It's the small things that those in need, need the most.

Simply be there for someone. I'm not talking of major commitments but simple ones. Maybe smile approvingly at someone or chat with them over coffee. Even a a pride symbol can offer encouragement. For every person who is out, there is at least one who is not. Open your heart and let them know its ok and someone is there to stand with them.

Another important thing is to stand. Stand for what is right. Stand for equality. In or out of the closet this is something we can all do. It is not gay or straight to fight for Human rights. It is simply the right thing to do.

In my other posts I have already talked of donations of time and resources but here are a few more ideas.

Mentor our youth. We all know how hard it is to discover ourselves and resources are usually not that good. So simply be a role model. You don't have to be perfect to do so. A good mentor simply shows a path in life that is successful. It can make a difference to someone to see a LGBT person living, working, in love, even a family.

Educate! Education can take many forms. Whether you are giving a lecture, advising on life topics or even donating to a LGBT scholarship. We have to many hurdles to jump, let us not leave anyone behind because they don't have a chance to learn.

Ensure those in need can communicate with our community. Maybe a LGBT center needs computers or Internet access. Maybe start a social group. Being who we are is hard enough sometimes. Lets not do it alone.

Finally extend dignity. Offer help but always allow dignity. Sometimes in our rush to fix a problem we do things for people and that can squelch pride and independence. Help people help themselves. In the long run we will be much more successful if we allow people such dignity.

I end this today with a challenge to my readers. Make a difference. I have listed many ideas in these three posts. Choose one or make one yourself and make a difference. I'm not asking for grand schemes or success just make a difference in one life. Love can can change the world.

Love is Never Wrong

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