Have you ever wondered how freedom gets eradicated? You have Jew vs. Muslim, Black vs. White, Christian vs. Gay, dismiss all things respectable, and use others to do your bidding for you. Amazing how the tired, hungry, poor, ignored, and ambitious can all be offered scraps from a table to unify behind one that in plain sight divides them and takes more away than they receive or had to begin with.
So how do you hold on to freedom? You stand together, the many, the whole. You celebrate your differences and you help the fallen. You love! You gaze upon the divider and in one voice say NO!
Please don't fall into the trap of division and strife. Don't get drug into the muddy pits of unsavory debate. Return love in the face of hate. And yes, use your voice, your will, and your hearts to say NO!
Freedom is so precious and so hard to get back once you lose it. Rise above, dismiss those that deceive and serve all. When we love others as ourselves the world truly becomes free and that seed of love is tomorrow blossom of our hearts.
Love is Never Wrong!