Saturday, August 25, 2018

Our Mother

Today I want to talk about something that goes beyond our civil rights and oppression. I want to talk about our mother, Earth. This is no green article, hippie love fest, or new age thoughts. This is fact.

The pacific ocean has a mass of plastic the size of Texas in it. A good portion of the planet is in drought or ablaze from wildfires. Volcanoes are erupting. Toxic filled waters are fueling out of control flesh eating bacteria. Disease is raging where it should not.Climate change is happening.  Life, all life is under threat.

A reality is dawning and few are listening. You can gain all the civil rights in the world but if you have no world from which to live you are most certainly dead. Our house is on fire. Do we wait till we are burning to put it out?

I know many will read this and dismiss it. I know many will not believe it. I know many more will do nothing. I say to you go look, research, or even listen. You will find what I say to be true.

It is time to clean up from our wasteful party, it is time to restore our home so we can have shelter, breathable air, drink, and food. It is time we stop bio-assassination. It is time we stand up to those who dismiss and add to the problem.

Go forth replant those forests, restore those wetlands, return environments to what they should be not what we desire, clean up the trash, and most importantly stop creating it.

You want a quick reality check? Between 1-3% of our normal waste can not be recycled or repurposed. That means 97% can be used again or for something else. Why aren't we?

You can be selfish, you can be lazy, you can cover your ears and hum but this is not going away and even if we all began today it would take time to fix. So I guess that leaves the question why do you use and abuse your mother?

When she is gone we will be alone or dead, because one thing is true. We are most certainly all selfish arrogant children that need a wake up call and punishment. Do or don't it is all our lives. Live or die. It really is that simple.

Only then can we worry about how we treat one another. Let us hope our efforts for Earth are better than that.

Peace, life, love.

Love is Never Wrong!

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