Friday, November 9, 2018


Before you begin to read I want you to know these may very well upset you or others. However, it must be said and it must stop. This is not a debate this is a fact.

The other day I posted Queen for a day. I would not be a good Queen if I did not love my people. So with all due love I do decree:

Any person who sells themselves or sells others in porn should not hold Title, place, or position of power. Sex is an act of love. When you place a value upon it or the people sharing themselves you devalue not only the act but the people.

Before I hear one word of counter I will say I am not against porn. If showing your body or embracing others makes you happy, brings people a sense of healing and love then that is fine. It is only when you add a price to it you destroy that which is priceless.

Every person is priceless. Your love is priceless. Never apply a value to it. When you do, you set a value to not just your time but your very love. You then begin to diminish the very thing that makes you shine. You sell the light. Do so enough and you will live in the dark, The dark can be a horrible place.

Sex is about love and it always should be, even when it is just you. There is no shame in sex. There is no shame in sharing yourself. There is shame in applying a value to love. For it is priceless, no matter what another tells you.

I don't condemn sex. I condemn the act of of selling it and the love it is. Some things are priceless. If you do price it you are now a thing to be bought and sold. It is not a normal profession. It is a form of slavery. No person should ever be enslaved.

Those few of you in this dark realm who lure, abuse, force, and violate others for such ends I decree to be enemies of the people. You enslave, you hurt, and you devalue people. May you names be cursed and you be imprisoned as you have done to others.

To those of you who have been led to believe sex work is a normal profession I say no it is not. You are not just selling your time and labor. You are selling your very spirit and soul. No society should ever endorse that.

As I said I do not condemn porn or sex. I condemn the act of affixing a value and diminishing the people. All this being said I don't condemn people who are hurt, lost, confused, or even mentally struggling who fall into bad places. . You all have value and this is what this is about.

Someone has to love you and the beautiful priceless people you all are. If you act in love, share your life in love. Then there is no crime or shame. When you affix a price or  hurt the value of others then there is shame beyond what should ever be done.

Fight for love, fight for yourself. Fight for your value and only give that which makes you more valuable.

All this being said I have one final decree this day. I decree if you our leaders or society can not or will nor take care of one another then you forfeit your rights to title, position, and power as well. 

We only have each other and there are some things you never compromise on. Everyone has value. Everyone has needs. To deny any is a crime. This is not a political statement or ideology. This is a fact of existence.

All people have rights. If people go without when there is enough that is a crime. When people are ignored or hurt that is a crime. When people have to devalue themselves just to live that is a crime. When you don't act in love that is a crime.

We live in a world where there is enough for everyone. It is greed and selfishness that brings us down. I am not condemning people who have worked and earned money, fame, or power. However if you do not use it to help others then you are part of the problem ravaging our great family.

If someone is hungry you feed them.  If someone is without clothing you cloth them even from yourself if necessary. If someone is hurt you help them however long and as much as is needed. 
The idea that anyone is to be cast away or had enough chances is despicable. Everyone matters and everyone deserves love.

It is time we abandoned parties factions, even empires. It is time we do the right thing. Everyone is different and has different needs and problems. It is time we move forward as one or not at all. If you can not see or do that then you are the problem.

Many people can fake emotion and words. But love is. There is no mistake about it. It may take time to see a persons intent or identity but it will show. If you are an enemy of love then you are an enemy of me and all people.

It does not mean I give up on you. It means you need to see who you truly are and we need to help you. The idea if you can not make it, you deserve your place, has shed enough blood and pain upon our society, 

If you will not change in spite of a loving hand extended to you time and again you must go. We have had enough darkness.

I decree love. There will be those who use and abuse my words. They may very well try to imitate me. But judge them in love. If it is not returned question why. Help them if necessary but never dismiss the value of anyone.

Love is Never Wrong!

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