Friday, April 22, 2016

Fixing Broken Ladders

Have you ever had a trusty ladder you have used to climb on for many years? You use it for everything. Slowly over time however they wear down or are ignored. A rung may breakor a crack may form yet we still use it. We adjust our step or climb gingerly. Then one day after enough neglect we fall.

Each of us has a trusty ladder in our lives. The difference is ours is not not a physical object but an internal one. It allows us to climb from ledge to ledge, issue to issue. Our internal ladders are the very foundations one which we step. Each of those steps takes us higher and higher. If we are not diligent tenders our internal ladders will also break sending us crashing down.

Unlike the physical damage of a traditional ladder that which is inside us can be much more destructive. Flesh can heal and bones can mend. The mind and heart however take much more. Sometimes when our ladder gives way we fall such a distance that we hit with a force that shatters our lives. And like the story of Humpty Dumpty we to may not be able to be put back together.

Ideally as good tenders we would fix every broken rung, season its wood carefully, and repair every crack as they occur. However in life we get busy, distracted by pain, or just dread taking the time to fix something we may not understand or even know how to fix.

A good ladder is essential to help you climb to all the difficult places in life. Without it you are stuck in the same area all the time. You may miss things that can define your life or make it distinct and special.

I know what I propose is a difficult task at times. Sometimes our ladders are damaged not by us but abused by others. Regardless of cause rungs need replaced, cracks mended, and the aged wood seasoned to stay firm.

The ability to climb is a beautiful thing. It gives you views you would not otherwise see. It gives you opportunities to grow and expand beyond a certain point. Tend your ladders with care. If you don't know how or lack knowledge then find someone who can help you. Never be stuck on the ground or falling back to the earth due to a broken ladder.

Love is Never Wrong!

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